relationships matter

Recently, I’ve had a few conversations with female youth students that have said things like, “Most of my best friends are guys. Girls are too much drama.” I’ve seen things on Facebook that suggest when someone disappoints you it’s best to air your frustrations and vent on social media. Then make some sort of comment about how it doesn’t matter anyway because you have your family. Yes, your family is important. I get that. I love my family.

but, relationships matter. friendships matter.

It’s no secret research supports this. Especially when it comes to having friends in the workplace. But that’s not the point of this post.

I want my youth girls to know it gets better. High school friendships can be meaningful and great, but if they aren’t—don’t give up. Don’t compromise. Don’t stop praying for God to send you godly influences in the form of girlfriends. I wholeheartedly believe a gal need girlfriends. I don’t know what I do without my main gals- the ochos.

Photo Feb 09, 12 56 53 PM

 My relationship with Steve–my marriage is the most important. He is my best friend. But there are days when I just need my girlfriends. I think it would be unhealthy for my marriage– for Steve– to have to provide all my needs for friendship.

Why do these relationships matter so much to me?

I don’t have to have my act together. They love me in spite of my faults. It’s a breath of fresh air.

They grieve with me in hard times. They celebrate with me in good times.

They are encouraging, accepting, real, genuine, and vulnerable. They make me want to be all those things too.

They are hilarious. We can talk for hours about nothing of significance or our conversations can lead to serious topics about things we’d never verbalize or thought through with anyone else.

But guess what? On occasion they disappoint me. I disappoint them. We have disagreements and hurt feelings. It happens. We grow from it and move on. I don’t have to subtweet about it or write a fb status saying I don’t need anyone but my family because of our disagreement or views were different.

I think God allows others to disappoint us to make us realize He is the only one who ultimately never will. He’s the only constant. To draw us closer to Him.

These relationships take an effort to maintain. It doesn’t just happen. You have to be accessible, follow through, be vulnerable and so much more. But they are so worth every single part of it. I don’t know what I’d do without these relationships in my life.

Life is all about relationships. I am so thankful and blessed by these girlfriends God has put in mine.

Photo Dec 07, 1 24 26 AM

I am so grateful I get to be a part of this….ochos through and through.

life since summer ’11 {part four}

Last update! I’m relieved. Maybe you are too. I’m really glad I was able to share some of my teaching journey through these updates.

By this point you know Summer ’13 was busy, like every summer is for us. Here is a picture recap.

May 20th was devastating for the state of Oklahoma. Our youth had a trip planned to go to Six Flags at the end of May, but instead volunteered in Shawnee organizing a local gym where tornado victims could come and get supplies. They worked so hard and I was really proud of them. June always starts with my favorite camp, Super Summer. This past summer was my absolute favorite week of Super Summer I have attended. Steve and I were both in the same school and it was a blast to serve Blue Zoo 3. I met and held my first kangaroo, Boomer, at Super Summer. Our student ministry graduated the best group of senior girls ever. It was bittersweet.

Diptic (7)

That summer I also got to lead these eight gorgeous gals in Beth Moore’s Esther bible study. It’s no secret I’m practically bffs with Beth. I loved doing her bible studies in college and it was such a blessing to do one with my refine gals. These girls were committed, vulnerable, and hungry to grow deeper in their faith. Community definitely happened each week in our living room. I am so thankful for their precious hearts.

We got to take our students to Chicago for a mission trip through World Changers. We were split into different groups serving throughout the greater Chicago area. My group worked at Korean Baptist Church and we remodeled Sunday School classrooms and then built a wheelchair ramp outside the main entrance. It was a good experience for our Allen students and I am so glad Steve planned a fun day for us to see Chicago! 

Ochos. Falls Creek. Baby Shower. Class Room. Just some more fun summer happenings.

The best thing about my mom being a reading specialist? Besides it being her dream job? She gets to come help me set up my classroom! This was a few weeks before school started after having her help for 2 days. She’s the best! 

As mentioned above, Beth Moore is my girl. So when my mom called me in the spring to ask if I wanted to attend a Beth Moore conference with her Sunday School class in September my answer was DUH! Buy the ticket now. I love Beth Moore because she is real. She is honest about where she comes from. Her bible studies are challenging and not watered down in the least bit. She’s a great writer. I wanted to meet Beth so bad! It was my dream and I knew it would happen one day. It just had to. It was not going to happen at the conference with 8,000 other gals that also love Beth. But lo and behold Saturday afternoon our group went to a hole in the wall Mexican restaurant and 10 minutes after we get there in walks Beth’s crew. I GOT TO MEET BETH! I was able to tell her all about my ochos and refine girls doing her bible studies. She spoke truth over me and it still gives me chills when I think about the experience. God loves to outdo Himself! He definitely showed off. It was not luck. It was divine providence. What a special weekend that was!

The triplets turned eight in December. Which is craziness. I love getting to be their big sister! 

For the trips birthday and Christmas present Steve and I thought it would be fun to take them to a Thunder game. The boys had never been to one before and were in awe the entire time. I love being with them when they get to experience things they never have before. And I would rather buy them an experience than another toy! 😉 I think this last catch up post will do! The past three years have been some of the best in our marriage and for our ministry. There have been challenges and definite growing opportunities for both Steve and I. Exciting things are happening in our little family of two!