change ahead

Steve announced to our families and students Wednesday night that we are leaving FBC Allen. This morning he announced it to our church family after worship.

Even though I knew what he was announcing, both times, it wasn’t easy to hear. My eyes swelled up with tears before he even spoke a word. Leaving this community won’t be easy.

For the past three years Steve and I have poured into the teenagers in this town. We have formed deep relationships and this isn’t just my husband’s job, it has been our lifestyle. Leaving students and families who have allowed us to enter their world and be a part of their everyday lives isn’t easy.

I’m sad to leave these wonderful people, but I am incredibly excited for what is ahead.

Sunday, February 23rd Steve accepted the youth pastor position at First Baptist Piedmont. The process has been quick and this church and community came out of nowhere.

At the beginning of 2014 Steve and I thought we would be in Allen for the foreseeable future. Then at the end of January Steve got a phone call from Piedmont’s pastor asking to have lunch. Another youth pastor Steve and I are close to had submitted Steve’s resume. Piedmont was towards the end of their search process, but his résumé had caught their attention. He had lunch with the pastor, we interviewed, and the rest is really history.

God is so good. I’m overwhelmed that He is choosing to bless us in this way. Choosing to bless us with a healthy church in a wonderful community. Blessing me with the opportunity to teach in a number of amazing school districts. Blessing us with a community that will be a great place to serve and raise our kids one day. I just can’t get over His goodness. I know He desires to give His children good gifts, but sometimes it’s hard for me to believe for myself.

Change isn’t easy. Transitioning to a new church will be difficult. New relationships are to be formed. I need to find a teaching job. There is a lot of work to be done in Piedmont. I’m trusting God with all these unknowns and challenges that lie ahead.

And we are so stinking excited. Thank you, Lord.

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